Reach your goals by developing a positive mental attitude.

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Reach your goals by developing a positive mental attitude.

To many of us, success is a mysterious thing. Is it the result of favorable conditions over which we have no real control? Does it come down to knowing the right people, or having the right timing? No, no and no. In fact, success is about having a positive mental attitude (PMA).

The level of your success directly corresponds to whether you nurture your PMA — or its rival, your negative mental attitude (NMA).

People with PMA are success magnets. They approach life with positivity, and they’re unfazed by failures or mistakes; in fact, they see missteps as opportunities. To someone with a PMA, each failure is a step that brings you closer to a solution.

Because they’re unafraid of failure, such people are unafraid of trying, even if success seems unlikely. They’re eager to try, and hungry for self-improvement. Those with a PMA achieve greatness because they burn to accomplish new goals and ascend to new heights.

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