Make sales your number one job.

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As a first-time entrepreneur, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by your innumerable duties. You’re faced with a mountain of tasks — from picking the best vendors to ensuring quality to staying on top of finances — and every job can seem urgent.

Faced with this situation, it’s essential to prioritize; if you have to concentrate on one thing only, that thing should be sales.

Sales should be your number one priority, because the popularity of a product is based 10 percent on its quality and 90 percent on how it’s marketed and sold.

Just think of the best-selling products in any industry — rarely are they the ones of the best quality. For instance, the most frequented restaurant in the world is not a five-star Michelin-rated one. It’s McDonald’s.

It’s clear that the quality of its food isn’t what took McDonald’s to the top. Rather, it’s the company’s constant attention to marketing and sales.

But maybe you’re uncomfortable using the word “sell.” Not a problem. Try replacing it with the word “help” and consider how your product aids people and addresses their needs. Knowing how your product helps customers is key, because a salesman’s most important quality is empathy.

Just consider the great Miami real estate agent John Lennon, who once sold more than $3 billion of real estate within six identical buildings. What was Lennon’s key to success? Even though all his units were the same, he never sold the same thing twice.

What this means is that Lennon personalizes his sales pitch for every prospective buyer. If the client is a vintage car collector, Lennon talks up how amazing and safe the building’s garage is, thereby showing his client how the property addresses his needs.

However you do it, you’ll need to start selling to be in business. The success of your company depends on sales, so get out there and start making them!

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