Our company values

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I think it is important to define company values (leading to a unique culture experience) that we are ‘living’ at a corporate. By conducting my previous experience and stealing ideas from healthy environments, I have come to the decision of defining these company values:

H for HOT = Honest, Open and Transparent
E: Engaging (happier at work)
L: Learning & Growing (care for the future) & Laughs 🙂
P: People Oriented & Process Minded
K: Keep things clean (responsible for our dirt)   
F: First Time Right with works focused (be home on time for your family)
C: Commit to going with extra miles (Professional)
S: Spirit for Adventure (Positive Thinking)
M: Motivated (Energizing)
A: A score in execution (Performance)
R: Respect each other (Constructive on giving feedback)
T: Teamwork with our passion for Technology

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